Monday, 5 November 2012


If you regularly use a computer at your workplace, you might be prohibited from installing additional software. In such cases, portable apps will come in handy. Portable apps don’t need to be installed. They are executables which can be run from a USB thumb drive too. Many programs offer separate portable versions for consumer’s convenience. But if the tool you use doesn’t offer a portable version, don’t worry, that’s what we will talk about in this article.

Here are the steps.
1. Start by installing Cameyo on your PC – Download Cameyo
2. Open Cameyo and hit Capture Installation to get started.
 3. Cameyo will now take a snapshot of your system while displaying a dialog box shown below.
4. After the system snapshot process gets over, you can install the software which you feel like making portable. After the software installation gets over, click Install Done in the prompt as shown below.
5. Cameyo will now take another system snapshot that will find out the differences between the results of the 1st snapshot and the 2nd one in order to make the application portable. After the Post-Installation snapshot, a dialog box displaying the message of successful package creation will appear.
6. You can now find the installed application as a single virtual file in the directory where Cameyo put it. This file can be further copied to a flash-drive for use on other systems without having to install it. There is also an option to edit the virtual package to suit your needs.
7. You may now uninstall the software (YouTube Downloader in my case) from your PC. The .virtual file can be copied to a flash drive and can be used on any computer running Microsoft Windows.

Almost all the applications work well with Cameyo. You can also pack runtimes of a particular application into a single package itself (ex – Flash/Java for Firefox).
If you still want more clarity on the entire process, I recommend you check out the video 


im useing diablo2 as an example, just replace diablo with what your file names are
Get Bat-To-Exe-Converter
Make a new folder the G:\PortableApps\
im going to name mine d2
enter the folder
Copy the program FOLDER into this directory
G:\PortableApps\D2\Diablo II
now make a notepad file in the G:\PortableApps\D2\ directory
copy or write this in do not write in the ( )
cd Diablo II\ (folder containing program)
Diablo II.exe (name of exe that starts the program)
goto save as and name it DiabloII.bat (add the .bat)
save it
open your Bat-To-Exe-Converter
for batchfile navigate to the .bat file you just made
you dont need to fill in anything else but at the bottom theirs a Ghost Application box, tick it unless you want an annoying box opening with your program
take your new compiled exe and put it in your G:\PortableApps\D2
now open your portable apps launcher and click options and refresh app icons
as you see, your newly compiled exe is saying use me!
if you want to use your original icon that the program had grab icon sucker 2.0
some programs (winamp for example) your going to have to make another bat
in the notepad its
taskkill /f /im winamp.exe (process name)
you can find the process name by useing ctrl alt delete and looking under process's



How to Hide a Folder Inside of a Picture in Your Computer


  1. Download an archiver. This can be any program that can archive files, such as 7zip or WinRAR
  2. Find a file to hide. This can be anything such as a text document, a picture, or even a whole folder
  3. Find an innocent file. An innocent file is a file that would not look suspicious, such as a picture or text file.
  4. Create a folder for the innocent file and the file that's to be hidden. Make a folder in C:\. We'll be using test.
  5. Add the innocent file to the archive. Right click the file, and click add to archive.
  6. Run Command Prompt. Go to the start menu, open Run, and type CMD.
  7. Get into the root directory. Type in cd\ and type cd\ test
  8. Hide the file. Type copy /b [innocent file name] + [archived file] [innocent file]
  9. Get rid of the evidence. Delete the remaining files to finish the process
  10. Access the hidden file. Open the not-so-innocent file with the archiver (7ZFM for 7zip) to access the hidden file


  • If hiding multiple files, put the files into a folder and compress the folder to lower the file size
  • You can change the file extension to the hidden file type for easy access, then change it back when you are done
  • Ensure that the innocent file comes before the file to be hidden in the copy command or you will end up with a corrupted file
  • Warnings

    • Be wary, the larger filesize may alert someone
    • Make sure you remember what file you used to hide, or you'll lose the file you hid
    • Remember to delete the leftover files, or the process would have been useless
    • Make sure the innocent file and the archived version are one word, or they will not be found by the CMD

      Things You'll Need
      • File to hide
      • WinRAR, 7Zip, or any other archivers
      • Innocent file to hide the file in

     PROCESS 2:-

    Hide File in Picture

    In order to accomplish this task, you will need to have either WinZip or WinRAR installed on your computer. You can download either of these two off the Internet and use them without having to pay anything. Here are the steps for creating your hidden stash:
  • Create a folder on your hard drive, i.e. C:\Test and put in all of the files that you want to hide into that folder. Also, place the image that you will be using to hide the files in.
  •  Now select all of the files that you want to hide, right-click on them, and choose the option to add them to a compressed ZIP or RAR file. Only select the files you want to hide, not the picture. Name it whatever you want, i,e. “Hidden.rar”.
  •   Now you should have a folder that looks something like this with files, a JPG image, and a compressed archive:
  •  Now here’s the fun part! Click on Start, and then click on Run. Type in “CMD” without the quotes and press Enter. You should now see the command prompt window open. Type in “CD \” to get to the root directory. Then type CD and the directory name that you created, i.e. “CD Test“.
  •  Now type in the following line: “copy /b DSC06578.JPG + Hidden.rar DSC06578.jpg” and press Enter. Do not use the quotes. You should get a response like below:Just make sure that

    you check the file extension on the compressed file, whether it is .ZIP or .RAR as you have to type out the entire file name with extension in the command. I have heard that some people say that they have had problems doing this with a .ZIP extension, so if that doesn’t work, make sure to compress to a .RAR file.
    And that’s it! The picture file will have been updated with the compressed archive inside! You can actually check the file size of the picture and see that it has increased by the same amount as the size of the archive.
    You can access your hidden file in two ways. Firstly, simply change the extension to .RAR and open the file using WinRAR. Secondly, you can just right-click on the JPG image and choose Open With and then scroll down to WinRAR. Either way, you’ll see your hidden files show up that you can then extract out.